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2020 - 2023 Strategic Plan

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To educate podiatric medical students in an interprofessional environment that emphasizes excellence in academics, patient care, and research, in preparation for residency training.


The College will be the leader in the education of podiatric medical students, curricular development, research in lower extremity health, and service to the community.

Core Values

Collaboration, Excellence, Innovation, Integrity, Justice, Respect and Scholarship.

Academic Excellence

Enhance the Education Program and stimulate curricular innovation

  • Maintain an annual Curriculum Retreat to evaluate the curriculum.
  • Increase opportunities for vertical and horizontal integration including exploring a systems-based approach throughout the curriculum.
  • Enhance diversity and inclusion within the curriculum.
  • Explore options for implementing distance learning and assessment.
  • Encourage participation in faculty development programs that address best practices in teaching and learning.
  • Continue to recruit diverse and qualified faculty for open positions.

Expand clinical education

  • Expand current and develop new clinical affiliations.
  • Expand current and develop new clinical experience sites with an emphasis on social determinants of health and cultural competency.
  • Develop, implement, and assess an increased use of simulation.
  • Establish an annual Clinical Curriculum Retreat.

Enrich the Student Support Program.

  • Analyze the current student support programs and activities in which students participate that promote their success and well-being.
  • Develop new initiatives to strengthen the support program.
  • Develop a central repository of at-risk student academic data for the purposes of student support.

Enhance Interprofessional educational opportunities

  • Expand Interprofessional didactic learning activities, learning objectives and assessment.
  • Explore additional opportunities for Interprofessional clinical experiences.
  • Increase awareness of university initiatives to provide training and tools for the design and assessment of Interprofessional education.

Enrollment Management

Matriculate a diverse and inclusive student population with desired metrics (GPA, MCAT, Podiatric Medical Exposure, Leadership, Community Service, Communication Skills).

  • Create a longitudinal study from pre-matriculation to graduation to identify the most qualified applicants.

Develop and implement a recruitment plan with an emphasis on underrepresented students in medicine.

  • Collaborate with Strategic Enrollment Management and perform an analysis of recruitment and matriculation.
  • Collaborate with Strategic Enrollment Management to develop and institute a recruitment plan with an emphasis on underrepresented students in medicine.
  • Outreach to the community to increase awareness of the profession.

Research Excellence

Maintain a high level of research productivity of faculty.

  • Monitor the number and quality of peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed publications and presentations.
  • Track number of submitted intramural and extramural grant applications and funding rates.

Provide an environment that fosters research accomplishments by students.

  • Continue to offer to students informational sessions and one-on-one meetings with faculty to promote research opportunities.
  • Encourage students to participate in summer research program, Swanson scholarship program, DPM/PhD program and work study program.
  • Monitor the number and quality of peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed student publications and presentations.

Increase student, alumni and faculty awareness of on-going research and productivity

  • Explore opportunities for increasing the number of and type of communications that highlight research to the respective audiences.
  • Develop and hold a yearly informational session that summarizes opportunities available to all faculty.

Alumni Engagement

Enhance educational opportunities and resources for alumni to engage in lifelong learning.

  • Increase awareness of CME opportunities for alumni (on campus and virtual opportunities).
  • Investigate the potential development and implementation of remote/distance learning online educational opportunities for alumni to earn CME credit.

Advance methods to connect alumni to current and prospective students.

  • Inspire alumni to function as mentors to prospective students.
  • Facilitate IPMSA to assist as a liaison between prospective students and SCPM alumni.

Promote SCPM alumni accomplishments in research, innovation, education and leadership roles.

  • Showcase scholarly activities accomplished by SCPM alumni in different media outlets.
  • Showcase alumni who engage and contribute their time or other assets to support the education of Scholl students.

Financial Resources and Philanthropy

Address debt and affordability to remove barriers allowing students to pursue their professional goals.

  • Determine the financial needs of the student body.
  • Increase scholarship support for students with an emphasis on underrepresented students in medicine.
  • Promote and monitor student participation in financial literacy and “thrifty budgeting” programs that allow for professional development.

Continue the partnership with Institutional Advancement in order to maintain an inclusive culture that promotes donor-centric, mission-driven philanthropy.

  • Strengthen the stewardship program to maintain and increase the sustainability of philanthropic funds.
  • Create new and strengthen existing relationships with individuals, corporations, and foundations to open pathways to philanthropic and programmatic support.

Perform a financial health/risk assessment of the college.

  • Assess the ongoing financial stability of the college.
  • Perform a strategic market analysis to determine threats to college sustainability